Add vitamins the elderly to the body

Elderly people are counting on the day that various systems ยูฟ่าเบท in the body work more slowly. The system disorganiz and not as strong as before. Therefore good help in strengthening body back strength ivitamins and minerals.
Vitamin B complex (vitamin B)
is very beneficial to the brain. The human brain weighs 2% of the body. But it is a reservoir of up to 20% of the oxygen and energy. That the body receives, causing the brain to function and require the most energy. It is important to nourish the brain with proper nutrition. To help take care of the brain function of the elderly, it has been found that there is a lack of vitamin B12 due to the elderly. It is difficult for the body to absorb this type from food. Brain function is therefore affected. Adults who are sick or recovering from medical treatment and not eating enough food Need more vitamin B12 and folate.
functions for nutrition. Iron is an important mineral in red blood cells. It serves to transport oxygen in the body. Iron deficiency increases the risk of anemia. A simple symptom of iron deficiency is easily noticed: fatigue. You can eat foods that contain the mineral iron, seafood, nuts, poultry, whole grains, and green leafy vegetables.
helps in strengthening the bone system. Make various joints strong. Perform duties efficiently If the body lacks calcium It pulls calcium from the bones to use. Risk of osteoporosis. Calcium can be found in almonds, spinach, tofu, sardines and broccoli.
Vitamin D (vitamin D)
calcium absorption can do its job well. We must have a good helper. That vitamin D. If vitamin D is lacking, the risk diabetes is higher than normal people. Including coronary artery disease and high blood pressure. The body can synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. Elderly people should go out and do activities in the sun. at the right time Recommended to be in the morning. How to get the best vitamin D
Magnesium (magnesium)
has an important role in regulating blood pressure. which is very important High blood pressure affects the body in many ways and is the cause of various vascular diseases. Magnesium works together with calcium. This helps the body absorb calcium.
Potassium (potassium)
is an element that plays an important role in helping control blood pressure. Research has found that Postmenopausal women who increase their dietary potassium intake have a lower risk of stroke. The organ that needs potassium the most is the heart.
Coenzyme Q10
strengthens the immune system and enhances heart function. Coenzyme Q10 It is an antioxidant. As the elderly get older, this substance will decrease. As a result, the body lacks energy and feels weak. In addition, patients with ischemic heart muscle disease Strengthened with coenzyme Q10 Can help relieve pain and chest pain.
helps the immune system function in the body. Reduce anorexia Food sources containing zinc include meat, seafood, and eggs.
Dietary fiber (fiber) helps
the digestive system function normally and prevents intestinal problems. Proper dietary fiber consumption helps protect the body from heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Often found in vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
Elderly people should drink clean water choose drink herbal water. No sugar, at least 6 – 8 glasses per day. Water will help carry various nutrients. Transported to the intrnal organs of the body and helps excrete waste. Makes you feel refreshed Prevent constipation Skin is moisturized and soft. Limit beverages containing caffeine. No more than 1 cup coffee/tea/day.
Vitamin C
helps relieve cold symptoms. It strengthens the body’s immune system. Whether it’s an infection AIDS treatment And can be an anti-oxidant as well. Found in fruits and vegetables, oranges, strawberries, mangoes, and tomatoes. Found in citrus fruits. Vitamin C helps in receiving various nutrients. that the body needs as easily as possible
Vitamin A
nourishes the eyes of the elderly. Relieves symptoms of retinal degeneration. Vitamin A creates tissue growth and the body’s immune system. Food sources of vitamin A are found in spinach, ripe mangoes, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya and carrots.
Vitamin E
is a good antioxidant. Helps protect cells in the body from being destroyed. Vitamin E is found mainly in avocados, nuts, all types of cooking oils, peanut butter, sesame seeds, and sunflower seeds.