Introvert personality and Extrovert or Extravert personality are one of the theories explaining human personality by the famous German psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.

What is the difference between introvert and extrovert ?
Dr Jung explained the differences between the two types of personality, Introvert and Extrovert, by considering the pattern of energy intake or energy storage from people’s choices of living in a short period of time in different environments. Dr Jung found that people with Extrovert personalities feel energized by being around people, interacting with the outside world, and exchanging their thoughts and feelings with others. Meanwhile, people with Introvert personalities feel recharged by being alone, feel themselves when they are in a private space, or feel good when they are thinking and contemplating things in peace.
What are the causes of introvert and extrovert personalities ?
Both Introvert and Extrovert personality are not diseases and are not abnormal conditions that require medical treatment. Research has found that Introvert and Extrovert personality may be caused by 2 factors:
Genetic factors (Genes)
or characteristics that are passed down through genes from father and mother to child. If the parents have introverted personalities , the child is more likely to have introverted personalities . In addition, the secretion of certain neurotransmitters, such as dopamine , which is found in high amounts in people with extroverted personalities , makes people feel enthusiastic, lively, and energetic when socializing.
Environmental factors (Environment)
In people with an introvert personality, they may have absorbed the behavior of their parents or caregivers who have a simple lifestyle, have a slow social communication method, or grew up in a peaceful environment with few social stimuli. All of these play an important role in determining the introvert personality. Meanwhile, people with an extrovert personality may have grown up in an environment surrounded by people, have continuous communication with the outside world, regularly participate in family activities, or are excited about participating in social activities. These are all factors that cause them to absorb behavior at a young age and eventually grow up to be adults with an extrovert personality.
The personality of an introvert ?
- Introverts are people who enjoy being alone. They feel good about thinking things out on their own. They recharge by being alone.
- People with an introvert personality can be observe from their free time lifestyle. They usually choose to spend their free time doing activities or hobbies in a quiet area. They like activities that require thinking, planning, and their own imagination.
- Introverts don’t like being around people, don’t like socializing, and feel depleted of energy after socializing.
- When it comes to socializing, introverts tend to be more of a listener than a talker. They tend not to initiate conversations, tend to analyze what others say, and have deep perspectives.
- When working with others. Introverts are detail-oriented. Like to think analytically and plan things step by step, and have good concentration when working.
- When you first get to know someone, an introvert can seem unapproachable. However, once you get to know them well, they can be a great part of any team.
- When working with others, introverts are detail-oriented. Have well-thought-out plans, are creative, and can present new and interesting ideas to their work.
- In social situations, introverts are natural listeners, tend to avoid conflict. Are reserved. And rarely express their feelings directly. They are more restrained in their actions than instincts or impulses.
- In making friends, introverts prefer to have a small group of friends with whom they can talk and discuss anything, rather than a large group of friends who take time to build friendships, but once they are close, they will trust each other.
- When traveling, introverts tend to visit natural places, places with stories, and are able to absorb the atmosphere of the place very well.
What is the personality of an extrovert ?
- Extroverts are people who enjoy socializing. They feel good about socializing, talking, and meeting a variety of people. They are energized by being around people, places, or environments that are lively.
- Extroverts are people who have good interpersonal skills. They have open personalities, are easy to approach, are broad-minded, like being around people, like fun and excitement, are not reserved, and can socialize well without feeling nervous.
- Extroverts have good social skills, have thought processes for communicating with others, tend to have smooth and lively conversations, โปรโมชั่นพิเศษจาก UFABET สมัครตอนนี้ รับโบนัสทันที and can adapt conversations with a variety of people in all situations.
- In a conversation, extroverts are often given the opportunity to be the talker. They are often the ones who initiate conversations and are able to process things quickly and respond to the other person immediately.
- Extroverts are proactive, like teamwork, brainstorming, talk, exchange ideas, and are not afraid of new challenges at work.
- Extroverts are quick decision-makers, quick problem analyzers, dare to confront problems, often bring up issues for discussion to find a conclusion, and are ready to face new challenges.
- When working with others, Extroverts are fast, agile, have good management skills, are able to multitask, and are always presenting ideas in their work.
- In making friends, people with Extrovert personalities are good-natured. And can get along with others easily. They don’t like being alone for long periods of time. They like meeting people and are not afraid to get to know new people. They have many friends and can spend a long time with a large group of people. They are cheerful, fun, and smiley.
- When traveling, Extroverts can travel anywhere, especially to places that are trendy, where there are people and where they can fully participate in activities. They are adventurous, like to explore new things and like to share those stories with others.
With today’s working society being a melting pot of different personalities. Many people have adapted themselves to learn from each other. So there is not just one clearly separate personality type, Introvert or Extrovert. This type of personality is call Ambivert or a personality that is between the two personalities. This is to enable them to adapt, learn, and live together with others. The Ambivert personality has the following characteristics:
- Ambiverts are people who can recharge themselves by socializing with people and being alone without feeling overwhelmed.
- Ambiverts are highly adaptable and flexible, and can balance their social life. They can engage in conversations and socialize with coworkers after work, but they also need their own space to reflect on their daily lives.
- Ambiverts are both good listeners and good speakers. They are sociable and can get along with both introverts and extroverts , or other personality types.
- Ambiverts are people who have the ability to learn and understand things very well. They are empathetic, empathetic, supportive, and willing to offer solutions.
- At work, Ambiverts can work as a team or alone. They can plan and think in a quiet meeting, while also presenting their work in front of a large group of people without feeling awkward.
- Ambiverts do not limit themselves to any particular form of thinking. They are flexible in their thinking, do not hold on to anything, and are willing to listen and consider together to find the best solutions and conclusions for their work.
- In making friends, people with the Ambivert personality type are good-natured. Can take the initiative in getting to know others first. Can position themselves well in a conversation, are open-minded and can tell others. About themselves and can listen to others’ stories.
- When traveling, Ambiverts can travel anywhere with their friends, can lead the planning process, and can follow the majority of the group of friends.
Introvert, Extrovert, create balance in life, no personality is important.
Personality changes over time throughout the lifespan from one personality to another. It is a development of humans in choosing how to interact with others in society. Carl Jung’s personality classification theory is just a theory used to explain how people choose to place themselves in a space where they feel best themselves. These personalities change with age. As people get older, extroverts may become less social, more reserved, and more of a listener. While introverts may become more social, more open, and more fluent in public speaking.